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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 20, 2022 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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legitimate political discourse. >> congressman jeffries gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. >> tonight the bloody fight for the east. the city of mariupol under siege. a commander there warns the ukrainians may be in their final hours. then, the justice department decides to appeal the federal mask mandate reversal so after all of those celebrations in the sky and airports, what now? plus republicans going all in on the culture wars. it's florida's battle against the disney the blueprint ahead of the midterms? as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. good evening once again i'm chris jansing, in for stephanie ruhle. tonight, russia's escalating the battle to control eastern ukraine as the war enters day 57. putin's war has brought a
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devastating attacks to the region particularly in mariupol. that has been under siege since the start of this war. russian forces are closing in. and ukrainian president zelenskyy says more than 100,000 civilians are trapped amid the fighting. >> [interpreter] this situation in mariupol is worsening. unfortunately, so far we are not able to achieve a positive result there. our troops are now defending hundreds of wounded and civilians. >> some civilians have taken shelter inside the basement of the sprawling steel plant. along with ukrainian fighters who are holding out against russian attacks. today there was an effort to open a humanitarian corridor and evacuate civilians in mariupol. but ukrainian officials said it did not work as planned. nbc's matt bradley has the latest from ukraine.
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>> tonight new images of russian-backed troops surrounding the steel mill in mariupol. ukraine's last stronghold there. and an urgent plea from the ukrainian commander holed up inside. warning, without help these soldiers could be down to their last days or even hours. this major telling me and a video message they are still defying russian demands to surrender. and civilians are taking shelter there to. there are women and children among them he said. they too are under constant shelling. as russia intensifies its assault in the country's east, they are solidifying their occupation of the country south. raising russian flags over government buildings, planning to introduce russian currency, and appointing pro russian officials. >> our thanks to matt bradley for that report. all of this as russia tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile test today. putin warned that those who might threaten russia with quote, would think twice. although the russian defense ministry said the weapon needs
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more testing before it can be deployed. the pentagon says russia did alert the u.s. before that test took place. and president biden is now scheduled to deliver remarks on russia and ukraine tomorrow morning. as nbc news has reported, the biden administration is preparing to announce another substantial military aid package for ukraine in this week. a senior pentagon officials said today the u.s. has been the shipment of aircraft parts to ukraine and that ukraine now has 20 more warplanes because of those spare parts. we begin in lviv, with nbc news ali arouzi. ali, this new military aid package for ukraine. what are you hearing from people there and do they think it's enough? >> hi chris. look, they want the really big stuff, they want airplanes, and they want to the skies closed. that's what you hear from all the ukrainian commanders we have spoken to and heard from. but this is keeping them in the fight. those switchblade's those drab lens, and that artillery is essential for them to fend off the russians.
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we spoke to the governor of the luhansk region the other day and he said look -- we realize that americans are not going to close the sky. that nato isn't going to close the sky. but it's that artillery that they're giving us which is enabling us to keep the russians away from the front line. and it's a battle of artillery on the eastern front of ukraine. and they say, if their artillery is defeated, if the russians managed to destroy their artillery, then that will pave the way for the russian tanks to come in, and then they need javelins to hit those tanks. so it isn't exactly what they want, it's not all of the package they want. but it is certainly helping them fight the russians. and it could tip the scales and the ukrainians favor. but obviously in places like mariupol, it seems too late for that kind of weaponry. >> ali arouzi, thank you for that. i want to bring in maksym borodin, a city council member from mariupol.
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thank you so much for being with us. what can you tell us about the situation in your city tonight? >> the situation is critical, we understand that all the russian speaking about the people [inaudible] to flee from the bomb shelter, no one believes this. because some of the civilian people in this bomb shelter are connected with our police officers. with our combatants, and we understand these children, russia can take anywhere they want. today all of the people who russia takes is like hostages. i see some new video from the russian media. when they tell that they can take a blood from our soldiers. who are surrender without their will. this country is barbaric, it's not about the geneva convention or something else, they can do all they want.
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>> let me make sure i understand you correctly. what do you know and who have you spoken to that describes that kind of situation right now? >> there are some people with our military, they have connections with the outer world, and with internet. so we know the situation. today our government try to make a corridor to mariupol. i don't know which it will take, but it not work. russia do not do what they tell when they promised us to help. in fact there are no corridors to the non occupied parts of ukraine. so the russians only lead some people to get out from their side, from occupied territory of russia. and it's the same situation with humanitarian aid. there is not enough aid from russia side, and there are hundreds of thousands of people left in mariupol. and they don't not, they don't have any food, any water,
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electricity, and all others. and the medical health. so the situation is terrible and catastrophic. the world needs to help ukraine to get humanitarian aid to mariupol. and to arm ukraine and now, with heavy weaponry. because without heavy weaponry, mariupol will be will not be the last city. >> tell us more specifically, what is it that you need, what is it realistically that you
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think the international community can do. and have people from mariupol been in touch with president zelenskyy, and what is his plan? >> all these civilized world need to understand that there are no reason to fear that putin -- how to say, nervous with the help. anyway, we need all to understand, if any health west get to ukraine. putin anyway can use nuclear weapons or something else on ukraine, or on another european country. because it's not about how much the help ukraine get. it's about if he can get ukraine in total. but without health of the world,
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it never stops. he goes further to europe, and he makes more attacks to the world. he don't need peace in ukraine or the world. he need aggression, because he has catastrophic situation and his country. and the war's only way to make his people to not think about the problem in russia. but to get on other countries. >> maksym borodin thank you so much for taking the time, our thoughts are with all of the people of ukraine. and hopefully we will talk to you again soon under better circumstances. with that, let's bring in our experts. kevin, executive editor of the tens, with more than 15 years in washington's defense. national security, and foreign affairs. vivian, reporter with the wall street journal who's covered u.s. foreign policy, and national security issues for nearly two decades. and julia, a columnist for the daily beast. she's the creator of the russian media monitor, and watches russia state tv. so we don't have to.
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let me start kevin, with what we just heard from the city council member of the situation we have known. it's a situation, mariupol has been absolutely devastated. it's a humanitarian crisis, i don't think anyone is surprised to hear that any hope for humanitarian corridor didn't materialize. but what can be done, kevin? >> you know i don't know, and i don't think the pentagon does either. i was reading the most recent statements from the podium there in the last couple of days and there's definitely been a shift in the kind of weapons that the united states is willing to provide. and you're hearing it from the white house to that it's expected to be long-range artillery fight, a ground fight between two forces that are familiar with the terrain. they've been fighting there for over eight years. but frankly, if it comes down to a small number of forces and circled in that city. without any significant nato back pushback of the russian troops. i can't see any other outcome and a bad one, for those there.
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and it leads towards the at least -- the conclusion towards some direction of it where russia gets what it wants in that region. it gets that land bridge in the donbas. which will be a hope, maybe that's all russia wants, and will be an end to the conflict. others think, they will believe it when they see it. >> do you think kevin it's a pivotal point right now? >> say that again. >> do you think it's a pivotal point right now, could go either way? >> i think it's pivotal for mariupol but not for the donbas region russia has already flooded the whole region. the ukrainians have shown don't count them out, at the last minute. and this could be prolonged more than the hours and the days that the ukrainian commanders and mariupol are saying they have left. but you know, i would listen to what you're hearing from them directly. >> vivian, i want you to hear something that former u.s.
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ambassador william taylor said earlier today. >> ukrainians will say, remember mariupol, they will remember mariupol because mariupol is the essence of their fight. it is the essence of their determination to be independent, to be free. >> i know that you have been in mariupol, you have been touched, continuing to be touch with people who are still there. what do you see this fight means and the larger picture? and having been there and knowing people who are from their. give us your thoughts about what's happening on the ground right now. >> honestly, mariupol was a symbol of resilience for the ukrainians. after what happened in 2014, when the russians took over crimea. and began to foment violence and fighting and the donbas region. mariupol was really on the cusp
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of that very close to falling at that time it's under constant shelling but it came back that a ukrainian military was able to sort of push that frontline away. ten, 20, 30 miles away. and they were sort of very proud of that that fact that they were able to bounce back. and this place that was once predominantly pro russian, or tolerant of the russian -speaking city. started to lean more into that ukrainian nationality, that national identity. and really was one of these success stories for the ukrainian in the post 2014 maidan era. and so now obviously when they see it going and facing such turmoil i tell you. i don't even think we know the extent of the destruction of the massacres that have taken place. but we know it's really really that. and it's devastating for ukrainians, because they do feel it's not only an atrocity and a catastrophe beyond
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belief. but it's also such a setback for them. in terms of trying to rebirth themselves in the post maidan era it's something that people are just really devastated across the country for what has happened there for so many reasons. let alone the human lives that have been lost to this conflict. and there's one other thing chris. i want to mention. you're talking about this humanitarian corridor that they were trying to set up today and it failed. one of the issues is that you have a lot of civilians packed into the military, in this steel plant on the outskirts of mariupol. and they tried to set up the humanitarian corridor there and get people out, it failed. because negotiations collapsed, logistics were bad. but keep in mind, within days of the russians taking over, coming into mariupol at the beginning of this war. they destroyed the cell towers, mariupol has been this isolated
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bubble throughout this whole conflict. it is very remote, i tell you from experience, it takes hours and hours of driving. there is no real direct trains from kyiv, or other big cities. so it's very hard to even get their, let alone to be in contact with him. now with the cell towers collapsed, they have really had no communication to the outside world. let alone, the ability to get any information, about hey they're seeing humanitarian corridor, get there if you can. so that you can get out. so obviously a lot of setbacks but very afraid of what the outcome will be. once we know the extent of it. >> and julia the descriptions that we already have some of the pictures we already have what we just heard from maksym isn't direct contrast. and he mentioned this to putin 's propaganda right. which is something you have paid a lot of attention to, how russia is using propaganda during this war. one example today, vladimir putin tried to convince children that this unprovoked war is justified. how is this messaging to the russian public different now? then it was at the beginning of this innovation.
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what are you seeing? >> i am seeing distinct change and them having to to address the accusations that are coming in from all over the world. about the barbaric acts that they are committing and that caused frustration to them. to the point that the head of the team, wished they were more like china and be able to control the internet, and limit access. but since they are people still have access to the world around them by using vpn, and other ways. they are forced to actually show more of what's going on in ukraine. except if they are trying to show it in a completely different way. and when they talk about mariupol, they express
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absolutely no fear of killing any people within it. they are actually feeling bad that they would destroy the steel factory itself. because they already portrayed ukraine as their own country. and call it the territory formerly known as ukraine. and they said it's too bad we will have to destroy this plant. because that would mean we are seeding large part of that industry to the chinese. so it's being portrayed quite callously, and while they are showing more of what's going on. the picture they are trying to paint is completely different than that from the rest of the world. >> let me also ask you kevin, about what you think we might need to know about russia's test today. the west views it. do they need to view this as a very clear threat? >> no more than russian nuclear weapons or in general. the white house was kind of clear this was a pre-scheduled test it was notified through the treaty. the u.s. does these as well.
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the u.s. held back on one last month early and april. it's unclear if they will continue on schedule. usually we don't know when they are coming, they are one-off tests. so i hesitate to have any worry about icbm nuclear threats. if there's any nuclear threat to be concerned of, we are getting experts and writers, sending in secretary of defense. and recently, saying that nato should be really training their troops to learn how to fight on a battlefield in the future. that has tactical nuclear weapons, which are smaller size for lack of a better word. not the ones you will see on an icbm heading to washington. once you might see on cruise missiles, other types of delivery on the battlefield in europe. because for generations from any real training of nato troops that i've been exposed
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to nuclear blasts like the one in the 50s. that's also a far off scenario you're hearing calling statements on both sides of russia and nato but i wouldn't trust russia more than you can throw them right now but we keep it hearing from the pentagon that the pentagon feels the u.s. at least is fully capable of defending all of its interest and territory and citizens from the nuclear threat. they're not making any changes to the posture or defensive plans and the monetary every day. >> vivan salama, kevin baron, julia davis, thank you. coming, up the doj is appealing the judge's ruling that overturned mask mandate on planes, trains and buses. we will ask our legal expert what's next. and what it means for travelers right now. later, with republicans ramping up the culture war ahead of the midterms. we will ask our political experts how democrats can fight back. the 11th hour, just getting underway on a wednesday night. [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this.
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the bad guys is the winner of the truly moving picture award. oh, stop! you making me blush. it's an action packed animated adventure. show the world that you're more than just a scary stereotype. everyone will love. is this wagging? - good right? >> the justice department is now appealing that trump appointed judges decision to overturn the mask mandate on public transportation. in a brief statement, the doj said in light of today's assessment by the cdc, that an order requiring masking in the transportation corridor remains necessary to protect the public health. the department has filed a notice on appeal. passengers will be able to continue traveling without masks. with us tonight, professor melissa murray of --
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nyu law school she was a law clerk for sotomayor on the federal bench before her nomination to the supreme court. great to see you, how is this all going to work? map it out for us, what can we expect in the coming days and months? >> so the appeal is going to be filed to the 11th circuit, which is the intermediate appellate court that sits in atlanta. from there, it can progress to the supreme court, it surely will progress to the supreme court. here's the rub, this mask mandate was set to expire on may 3rd. so while this appeal is likely going on, we're going to be any situation in these next couple of weeks, while that appeal is happening. wear the mask mandate is actually going to expire. so i think there's some strategy going on here at the doj. they did not immediately challenge this decision by judge mizelle, they took a couple of days, they said they were waiting for the cdc's guidance.
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now they filed an appeal. i think what's going on here is that they're waiting because they do actually want that mask mandate to expire. because this appeal goes to the 11th circuit and on to the supreme court. it's unlikely to be reversed. it's a 6 to 3 supermajority that's already express a considerable skepticism for the cdc to fight various aspects of this pandemic. the doj is worried that this decision not only invalidates the mask mandate, it also seriously challenges the cdc's authority to respond to any public health crisis, whether now or in the future. it would be best for this decision to be entirely over world, but that's unlikely. but, if this mask mandate expires on may 3rd, as it will. while this appeal is pending, then the appellate court can send it back to the district court to vacate the underlying order. which is the closest the administration is likely to get to a reversal of these highly highly partisan times. >> how big do you see the threat to the cdc? and it's authority. i mean yes, this is about the law, but it's about public health. covid cases are rising nationally. that's one of the things doj was watching, one of the things the administration was
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watching. >> i think that's exactly right, that's the tension here. we have the federal judge, not someone who is a scientist, not someone who is an epidemiologist making this decision. but it is completely consistent with what we have seen, not only from this court, from judge kathryn kimball mizelle court we also saw the supreme court invalidate the conviction moratorium that the cdc issued. there was a broad assault on the attire apparatus of bureaucracy on the ground. that these administrative agencies lack the authority to take these steps to ensure public safety, to ensure workplace safety. so i think they are genuinely worried, that a decision like this can then be copycat it by other courts. and eventually be used to really hobble the cdc and other administrative agencies. >> all right, there are new developments and the january 6th investigation. the new york times is reporting tonight that alex jones is looking for an immunity deal to detail his role in the rally before the attack on the capitol.
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what kinds of things will doj look at, in a deciding immunity? and how important could this be for the investigation? >> first, it's worth noting that alex jones had had a rough couple of days in the court. he's already seen his organization declare bankruptcy this week earlier. there was the defamation suit brought by sandy hook plaintiffs, where he did not present the case in court, and they got a judgment by default. now he is in this position to provide information to the doj, whether or not he will be granted immunity depends on the nature and quality of the information that he is able to provide. he previously testified before the january 6th special committee, and he said that during that particular testimony he pled the fifth multiple times. he can't do that and expect to get immunity. he really has to give up something, and it has to be substantive. >> also tonight from the time, some members on the january six committee say they are considering rewriting the insurrection act. that's of course the 1807 law that gives the president pretty broad authority to deploy the military, within the u.s.. to respond to a rebellion.
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let me read for you how the times sums up the arguments. proponents envision a doomsday scenario in which a rogue future president might try to use the military to stoke, rather than put down, an insurrection. or to abuse protesters. but skeptics worry about depriving a president of the power to quickly deploy armed troops in the event of an uprising. as presidents did during the civil war, and the civil rights era. what's your take on this debate? >> i think this is all part of the long hangover from the four years of the trump administration. we know that former president trump used -- threatened to use the insurrection act to put down some protesters in the wake of the george floyd protest in 2020. we know that the insurection act has been used multiple times throughout our history to deal with uprisings that but also to facilitate the exercise
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of civil rights. we know lbj used the insurrection act to send the national guard. jfk used it to integrate schools. so this is an important act but again the fear is it's not going to be used to facilitate the exercise of rights or to preserve the peace. but rather will be used by again, a rogue president for purposes that are more nefarious. so the question of rewriting this, i think is something that they are definitely considering. but others worry, if you hobbled the president, required that the president consult with congress before deploying the insurrection act. then you're really depriving a president of the authority to respond swiftly and expeditiously to emergency situations. again, that was always the fear with the former president. that he would respond expeditiously and without a lot of consultation. >> melissa murray, always good to see you, thank you. coming up, why florida republicans are now going after disney as they ramp up their culture war. we will ask our political experts wet democrats can do to push back, when the 11th hour continues.
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>> we are in a culture war. this has been a culture look more launched by many republicans against the country, not only against democrats, but against the country as a whole. you don't win a culture war by talking about build back better. you don't win a culture war by talking about you fixed a road. you win a culture war by presenting an argument on the opposite side of the culture war and win the day. >> and the battles in this
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culture war grow more bitter by the day. a michigan state senator's counterattack went viral. a fiery and passionate rebuke of a completely unfounded smear made by a republican colleague and a fundraising email. here's what she said tonight about fighting back. >> but i would prefer to see happen is not to file a lawsuit but i want more straight white, upper middle class suburban moms to stand up and take the hit to. because then it doesn't mean anything. and it's revealed for the hateful bull that it is. >> some republicans don't seem to like it when there are culture war tactics are called out. in florida for example, governor ron desantis is now retaliating for disney's push back against his don't say gay law. he wants the state legislator two and a special self governing statute for florida's largest private employer.
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let's bring in nbc news correspondent and moderator of washington week on pbs. and bill kristol, author, writer, thinker, he's a veteran of the reagan and bush administrations. and yamiche alcindor editor at large. good to see both of you. phil i don't know how much you have senator --, a lot of folks think she has been given a master class on responding to bad faith. in fact, he showed the clip as an extraction or video. and that he's going to start talking that way. what do you think? should democrats be taking notes? >> i think james is right, as he often is. you can fight back hard, while being radical. and you can make clear that you are speaking for traditional mainstream american values tolerance and decency. treating everyone equally. that you're not on the fringe as they say. you can't just play defense, when did you stop beating your wife, well i never did. you know, you have to be outraged. they are charging people with being pedophiles. they are charging people with
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terrible things really. things that are almost unimaginable. >> it's just all made up! >> and most -- yeah it's all made up. and the people -- for me, tiny discretion. to me the point in a way, is the hearings for judge jackson, now justice jackson. where republican senators basically accused her of being pro pedophilia, because she had followed, or slightly gone under the sentencing guidelines in cases. which most judges have done as well. it's so beyond and so astonishing to charge this. extremely highly regarded and very very decent judge, justice, totally false. a total smear, and again, what was striking to me, she can't really respond. where were the senators? why didn't democratic senators really denounced these republicans? why did they sort of oh well -- these charges are sticking, she was confirmed, but you have to make people pay a price. you have to make people pay a price, i think voters respect
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to and you stand up and say this is an outrage. or that other decent people are being attacked this way. >> so you have been in alabama covering new laws covering trans youth, i'm curious about this whole i. d. s speaking out and fighting back. not just as bill just said, i don't beat my wife. but really getting out in front of this, what's the uc? >> it's a real challenge to democrats because, when i talk to democrats, they sort of sound like elizabeth warren's op-ed in the new york times. where she said democrats really need to get stuff done, like lower prescription drug prices. that they really need to be able to get a reconciliation bill through congress. when you hear president biden, he's really focusing on inflation, and focusing on sort of what he is doing to try to make this economy. which is already in some ways going well when you think about the employment rate. how it's going to be better for americans, but then you listen to republicans. and it's almost like they're on a completely different planet.
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when republicans are talking about sort of the state of america, they're not talking about inflation. a little bit about inflation. they are really talking about sort of america continuing to slip through the fingers of what it traditionally is. you think about of course what happened in alabama. the first state to make it a felony to provide gender affirming medical care to transgender youth. you think about what happened with judge jackson, as bill just mentioned, that they were accusing her of being soft on crime and soft on people who were producing materials and sewing sexual child abuse. you think about critical race theory and the false claims where they were trying to tie her and other democrats to this idea that crt is being taught to young children. when it is not. but you see republicans, they are really really feel like this is going to be a strategy that works for them. they are looking for virginia, and what happened with governor youngkin, and how he was able to lean in on critical race
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theory and scare parents. basically, including a lot of white parents frankly, out in the rural areas to come out and vote in high numbers. that is what is scaring people. that is sort of what is energizing the republican base. and democrats are sort of, especially democratic base voters, they are looking to be energized. and it doesn't seem as though talking about inflation is the way to do it. >> let me ask you about something that's going on in the democratic senate. i want to get a quick reaction. i'll start with you since you covered him. bernie sanders, saying well, you know what, if joe biden doesn't run, maybe i will. what do we make of that? >> it's remarkable to hear senator sanders do that, i covered him very closely in 2016. but he's someone who has wanted to be president for a long time. by the way, he's been consistently saying his message
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about the working class and what democrats need to do for a very very long time. so it's surprising to hear that the senator two years before 2024 talking about this. it's also interesting because obviously he said he would do it he would run again if president biden did it run again. of course vice president harris there is no mention of whether or not he would challenge her. which would be pretty remarkable given that she is both a historic vice president, but also frankly is the vice president. it's really sort of showing maybe some democrats see the weakness on her part and the ability to challenge. >> what do you make of it bill? >> i don't make too much of it, he just made this comment, but i will say generally speaking. if joe biden doesn't run again, there will be a wide open race, for the presidency. there will be a difference to the vice president. and i'm not so sure that even if joe biden wants to run again other people won't take a shot at him. i don't, i respect, -- i respect joe biden, and belive he's done a good job. but i don't think everyone thinks he gets another four years automatically. 2024 will be interesting on the democratic side as well as republican. >> we all agree it won't be
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boring, bill kristol and yamiche alcindor, i'm sure i'll see you before. maybe on the campaign trail again. thanks to you both. coming up, some desperate ukrainian families fleeing the war are running into the harsh realities of u.s. immigration laws. we will hear how one group is trying to put families back together. when the 11th hour continues.
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>> that's the administration have any plans to announce a program that would make it easier for ukrainians who already have family ties in the u.s. to be expedited into the u.s.? >> we are working, so we have obviously announced, the president has announced plans to accept 100,000 ukrainians into the united states. if they want to come of course, we are working to finalize the details of that. >> well, the white house works on biden's plan to accept up to 100,000 ukrainians into the u.s., there is disturbing new reporting on some young refugees who have already tried. the new york times reports dozens of ukrainian children and caregivers have been separated at the southern border under a law designed to prevent migrant children from being trafficked. the times goes on to say, for ukrainian children, the separation from their caretakers has been an unexpected, shocking twist in their escape from a war zone. u.s. authorities have not released figures on how many ukrainian children have been separated from caregivers, but volunteers working with the refugees said they have encountered at least 50. asked to comment, homeland security told us, quote, the trafficking victims protection reauthorization act defines any child who is not with a parent or legal guardian as unaccompanied. it requires the child be chance or to hhs for care and custody, and screen for signs of human trafficking. any potential guardian must, by law, be vetted prior to
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reunification to protect against trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable children. with us tonight, the cofounder of the nonprofit each step home, which -- helps migrant families navigate their reunification process. thank you for being with, us apologies for my allergy attack. >> hello. >>, tell us what you're seeing at the, border what do you know about these children? >> so what i know is that these children are coming during the war, and they're coming with close family members or friends, they are coming with notarized documents from their family saying i am interesting my child to his or her aunt, or his grandmother, and they are -- come to the border and are being separated. they are shocked, and they don't know what to do. it is incredibly traumatic for them. >> look, of course, we want to protect children from human trafficking. is there, though, a better and faster way based on the experience for the feds to keep these already traumatized kids with their caregivers, or at least shorten the period of time they are apart? >> absolutely there is a solution. so, we are not arguing that they don't vet the caregivers, we --
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right now they're separating the families and then fighting the caregivers, this process takes weeks, sometimes months. i don't understand why it doesn't happen a lot faster. they could put investigators there at the border to do the vetting on the spot. it takes minutes, sometimes a day to do a background check by gun, these are children being traumatized by separation, why not invest in people to speed up that vetting process. >> one of the things that really struck those of us who read this new york times article was, the example of a caregiver who days later
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learned that the child she had been separated from at the mexican border had been transferred to a migrant children's shelter in the bronx. i mean, is it legitimate that caregivers are not told with his children have gone? again, because from the government's point of view they want to make sure, absolutely sure that they are legit, that these kids are not part of some human trafficking? >> right, so what happens is, their first taken at the border
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and held at the border patrol facilities which are run by the department of homeland security, those are the horrible facilities we have seen on the news with the mylar blankets and cages. then because they are children, they have to be transferred to a different division of the government, they are transferred to shelters or facilities -- you can use your own words, run by the department of human health services, those facilities there are about 200 across the country and kids are just sent there and they don't consider where the sponsor is when choosing where to send the child. so the child could be at the other end of the country from where the sponsors. >> i mean, i don't think anyone who saw the pictures of the children who have been taken out of the arms of their fathers who have stayed behind, who left their families behind, who have been through the trauma of war, we see them when they were crossing the border, nobody can watch that and not
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feel, not understand how horrific it is. tell us what an organization like yours can do to help? and what more, frankly, the federal government can and should be doing? are they doing enough when these children get here? >> right, so what we do and as far as we know we are the only organization that knows this, we help the families navigate the reunification process. it is cumbersome, there is a 25-page application to apply to the government and say that you are not a trafficker. and maybe the family doesn't have a printer, or scanner, and we help them fill that out and send it in. and they are overwhelmed, i mean this family from the new york times story this woman irena, she came here with her 14 year old son, her nephew, she was already here and met her nephew at the border and tried to cross with him and he was taken away. she was just, she had so many questions. what happens, what could you do, could you hire a lawyer? could she flies somewhere? could she do anything to get him out faster? she wanted to know why are these facilities like. he was so devastated.
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with ten days from when they were separated, two once you got the first phone call of where he wasn't what you could do. >> casey, again, the organization is each step home and we thank you for all that you do, we thank you for helping us understand what is happening. coming up, some heroes wear capes, others heat kibble. we will meet one of those when the 11th hour continues.
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tonight. ukraine's tiny hero. nine weeks ago, these neighborhoods did not look like this. now they are littered with still potentially lethal remnants of military tanks and ammunition. before people can return home, the state emergency service of ukraine moves in. and serving at their side, meet patrón. the adorable jack russell terrier saving lives in ukraine. he works with the rescuers and
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the northern city of chernihiv, sniffing out russian bombs. wearing his protective vest and relying on his keen sense of smell. patrón has helped defuse nearly 90 explosive devices and ever since the savvy ukrainians share patrons story, he has gone viral. gaining fans all over the world. the two year old pup is even inspiring paintings, drawings, and cartoons, that show him hard at work, or just posing any hero stance. state emergency services is now thanking those artists. saying their work motivates not to give up a no matter how hard it is. to keep the bar high, and to fight with a new strength. knowing how many people are still waiting for help and how many people believe in us. there are reports patrón is rewarded each night with a little motivation of his own. a serving of his favorite food, fresh cheese. and on that note, i wish you a good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc
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news. thank you for staying up late, see you at the end of tomorrow. >> tonight, on all in. >> i cannot tell you that the west is doing quite enough. as russia begins a new assault on eastern ukraine, new sanctions and more weapons from the united states, but is america considering every option to help and suffering? >> the most important mission right now is to do whatever is necessary to provide the weapons to the ukrainians, so that they can stop the russian advancement in the donbas. then, the lawsuit to hit marjorie taylor greene off the ballot will go forward. >> they are actually putting the on the witness stand on friday and i cannot believe that i am being forced to do this. >> tonight, the lawyer who will cross examine the congress woman joins me live. and did a lawmaker just give democrats a blueprint for
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beating that r


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